Beautiful to be, with a Class of Access Bars you become a Practitioner of the Tool (Access Bars Practitioner).
After a class, you are ready to apply yourself, apply the technique to friends, family and clients, regardless of your previous experience.
Here you will receive a “Toolbox”, which are an invitation to access more awareness in your life and to perceive reality with much more possibilities, to get out of situations that you did not see before, that did not see how it could be different.
The Verbal Tools of Access will help you to walk in new ways, to face life with more lightness and fluidity, to accept its power of creation, to modify the way relationships are seen (both affective, as at work or in the family), that is, you will be more present and connected with yourself, which will provide joy and enthusiasm in your life, if you choose.
Professionals from different fields of activity seek training in Access Bars in order to improve the results, with their customers, through the application of Bars and the use of Verbal Processes of Access Consciousness.
The course consists of theoretical and practical parts, where two bar changes are made (all apply and receive the technique twice).
A beautiful class awaits you. Are we going to have fun, expand and create new possibilities?
Access Bars Class
-Manual de Barras de Access;
-Gráfico dos 32 Pontos da Aplicação;
-Certificado Internacional de Praticante.
-Coffee Break;
-Acesso ao Canal Privado do Telegram.